Festival Information
Your Tickets
You will have received your ticket(s) either by post or by email from the Box Office in the form of an email with a QR code. Please have this ready on arrival with the QR code showing as a flat image ready for scanning.
You’ll find map, travel and parking information on the Lammermuir Festival website at the foot of the concert page you have booked for. We are sorry but we are unable to admit latecomers as this distracts performers and audiences.
Details can be found at the foot of the concert page on the web site, along with a map. Where there is space, we have provided Blue Badge parking for customers who have booked this service in advance. These spaces are now taken.
Parking at Crichton Church, Humbie Kirk & Concorde:
Crichton: has a large car park field near the church.
Humbie: has a car park by the church but it is not large. If it is full when you arrive, a steward will help direct you to park in the village.
Concorde: has a large car park. If you are attending the 10pm concert please do not arrive at the site before 9.30pm. This will enable 8pm concert attenders to leave the site and make space for you. Experienced festival stewards in high visibility clothing will be on hand at these venues to coordinate parking and assist you get to the venue. Please allow time to walk from your car.
Venue Access
We always aim to open concert venue doors from 30 minutes before the concert start time. Some venues have small porches, so you may wish to bring an umbrella. If you have any access requirements and require assistance, and have not already told the box office, please contact them in advance so we can help you.
Concert Programmes
Our informative programmes, especially commissioned for the festival, will be on sale inside each venue – £1 for Coffee Concerts, £3 for Scottish Opera’s Albert Herring and £2.50 for all the other concerts. We will take card payments, but it might be quicker if you could bring the correct change.
Interval Refreshments
We will be selling Luca’s ice cream in the intervals at St Mary’s, Haddington. The cost will be £3 per tub. We will take payment cards, but again, it might be quicker if you could bring the right change. A bar at the Corn Exchange will be open in the interval for performances of Albert Herring and Tango. Payment cards accepted.
Coffee Concerts
Doors open at 11:00. Coffee and cake served from 11:00. Concerts start at 11:30. Please feel free to bring your own cup. The cake of the day will have a description of ingredients. Hot water and oat milk will be provided, and some gluten free tray bakes.
All of our concerts are supported by our amazing volunteers who give up their time to help make Lammermuir Festival a success. They will help with any enquiries you may have.
Concert Changes
The festival reserves the right to change a concert programme, performer, or venue due to unforeseen circumstances. If this happens, we will alert customers who have booked tickets by email. We ask you to check your email before attending your concert.
Young Lammermuir
This year we have launched Front Row, a new initiative developed in partnership with East Lothian Instrumental Service, to encourage young people to come along to a selection of our concerts. We welcome Front Row attenders to this concert.
We will email all bookers a link to an online survey after the festival. Your feedback is extremely helpful and helps us plan each year’s festival.
Further Help
If you have any questions please contact the Box Office at 0131 226 0004 regarding ticket enquiries and admin@lammermuirfestival.co.uk about anything else. We will be on site delivering the festival from 5 September but will aim to respond as quickly as possible.
And finally, please tell your friends that tickets are still on sale for some beautiful music in beautiful places at lammermuirfestival.co.uk